STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl has four artifact detectors, each of them with quirks and advantages, so grab your bolt and jump in before the bandits come. That blurb about every detector having advantages has a big asterisk next to it, and it is the Echo detector.
The article from DualShockers ranks the best artifact detectors in "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl," detailing their utility in locating valuable artifacts within the game's hazardous environments. It highlights five detectors: Echo, which is basic and offers minimal range; Veles, an upgrade with better range and accuracy; Kolobok, known for its advanced detection capabilities; Svarog, which provides detailed information and a wider detection radius; and Universal, the top-tier detector with the best range, accuracy, and additional features like anomaly detection. Each detector's effectiveness, cost, and availability are discussed, helping players decide which one suits their gameplay style and progression in the game.